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Beaver Tales

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The Official Student News Site of Corry Middle High School

Beaver Tales

The Official Student News Site of Corry Middle High School

Beaver Tales

The Truth

Giuseppe Milo

Creeping along the wall so she isn’t seen by the snoring police officer slouched in his chair.  Unaware that ten minutes prior Emily Bound had slipped a sleeping herbal into his late night coffee. She slips past him and heads straight into the evidence room, searching for her last name. Stumbling upon the “B” section Emily seemingly out of luck and almost out of time. She flips through different files, “Brown, Baker, Baldwin…” but no Bound.  The feeling is tightening in her chest…the officer will wake up any moment and she still has to safely get out. In the last box labeled “B” one single folder… covered in dust…”Bound.” She swipes the folder into her jacket and quickly but quietly makes her way out of the station. As she safely exits she puts her black hood up and without a moment to spare the alarms start ringing. Emily slides into the shadows of an alleyway as she watches the police officers file into the station. Turning around and fading into the shadows with all the answers hiding safely in her jacket. Ten years of wonder…now she’ll finally have her truth, her revenge, who killed her parents…?

The box slams onto the desk… “This! This is what was taken! While you were sleeping your job away!” Jason, the head chief, is not happy his officer was acting in an unprofessional manor. No one has ever successfully gotten into the station let alone stolen evidence and left unseen. The entire team is on edge especially since the case that was stolen was Jason’s’ first case 10 years prior and was left unsolved. Jason storms off into his office slamming his door. Leaning up against his desk…panic flooding in, he digs in his pocket for his phone. With sweaty and shaky hands he begins to make a phone call to the one person who knows what horrific secrets lie in that folder.

Now in her little apartment, Emily sits down reading through the file she had stolen. The news is playing in the background so she can keep up with the police. Emily, being full of anticipation, opens the file. She skims through every small detail, but she already knows all of this information.  Her parents were killed in a house shooting after an intruder call, but the police stopped looking, letting the case go cold. She slams the folder onto the table and a paper falls out: it’s the police report.

Em reads over the report, “Police arrived at 1:12 p.m., two people; one male one female both adults found deceased upon arrival, estimated time 45 minutes, Officer on site: Jason Pry.” Em knows something is off about this information. She opens her book and starts looking through all her previously gathered evidence. The time of death, the report said 45 minutes before 1:12 but the autopsy gave an estimated time of 1:30 p.m.

“They had a daughter…” Jason’s mind went blank, a daughter. How has he gone years not knowing this? He covered up everything so no one would ever find out the truth about what happened that day. His phone starts ringing, not his work phone, but his personal phone. The caller ID reads “unknown” but Jason knows exactly who it is. Shakily he answers the phone…

“I know what you did…you will pay.” The call ends leaving Jason in silence and fear.





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About the Contributor
MyLeigh Music
MyLeigh Music, Reporter
MyLeigh Music is a senior in high school who aspires to become a vet tech. This is her first year in newspaper and first time working with Mr. McBriar. When not writing MyLeigh is hanging out with her friends, painting, watching movies, or baking sweets.