Another year of our lives has gone by, for someone like me, another year means a whole lot of changes. You see, when you’re young, impressionable, and still finding your bearings in life, the difference of nine months can be like night and day. I tell you all of this only to reveal this was not my situation this time around. This school year, I was all about consistency. Whether that be in my fashion, my work, or my personality. Of course, that doesn’t mean I didn’t change at all, just not as much as years prior.
I am very content with myself, and that frees me to interact with the world in a very special way. I have my way of seeing things and doing things that are, again, consistent. There is joy in trying new things, knowing I might fail miserably, and being reassured that I will recover remarkably. However, do not make the mistake that I am one of those young people who think they’re invisible. I am not this. I understand that I am mere flesh and bones, and my mind is simple compared to the vast world, but I believe I use what I have to an amazing human potential. I don’t really want to change the world or cure cancer– nothing crazy like that– I just want to live my best life and make the lives of those around me a little brighter.
I am happy! Seriously. I’ve been saying that for almost two years now, and every single time I’ve meant it. Perhaps my persistent effort to remind myself that I am happy has manifested into something real. The statement, “I am”, holds extreme power. Try telling yourself “I am” and then whatever you want to be, it will change your life. Be careful! You could use the all-powerful “I am” negatively, that is one of the most mentally suicidal things you can do. Do not put yourself down. Realize your faults without making a fuss over them.
In summary, I had another great year of life. There were some downright terrible spots, but I’m still thriving. I made it my goal at the end of last summer to improve on what I developed last year in ninth grade. Through focus, I honed in on what defines me and made sure I was consistent, and continue to be consistent. As I write, I find that I seem to be tooting my own horn a little too loud, maybe it’s becoming annoying. I give so much credit to those who are my lifelines in daily life, especially Willow and my father. Without them, I would have drowned a long time ago. Thank goodness I did not.
I have dreamy hopes for the summer of 2024, and as of now, I look forward to what my junior year has in store. The newspaper has given me an amazing platform to write on, thank you Mr. McBriar.
Here’s some images I’ve been loving recently…