Once upon a time on a dark Halloween night, my friends and I decided to visit a graveyard. It was Halloween so it was only right to visit a graveyard with my friends. My friends and I were all dressed up as ghosts for Halloween, there were five of us. When we were done trick-or-treating we rode our bikes to the scariest graveyard in town. Right when we got there we parked our bikes by the gate and started walking up the hill.
As soon as we got up the hill the first thing we saw was a trail of candy. We didn’t think anything of the candy because other teenagers go there on Halloween too. While we kept walking we began to hear laughing off in the distance. Once again we just thought it was the other teenagers, but there were no footprints in the dirt trail. We decided it was fine because maybe they just walked through the grass instead of the dirt trail.
Suddenly, we heard what sounded like a little girl humming very close to us. I told my friends to stop playing around because it sounded like it could’ve been one of them. All of my friends claimed that it wasn’t them, and that’s when I started getting scared. We began walking faster so we could get to the spot where we normally turned around. Everything was fine until we heard running sounds at us, but no one was to be seen.
We all were freaking out and started walking back to our bikes. When we got to the gate it was locked, so we were trapped in the graveyard. Then we saw white floating figures start swarming us. We all started to scream and run around. One by one my friends started to disappear and I couldn’t find them anywhere. It was just one of my friends and I left.
The gate slowly started to open. My friend and I didn’t know whether to look for our three missing friends or to run out of the gate. We decided to run away and forget our friends. When we got back to my house we didn’t want to tell my mom we lost our friends, so we went to sleep immediately. As soon as we woke up all our of friends were in my room asleep too.
When my three friends that were missing woke up they said that they don’t remember a thing. My friend and I that escaped were the only two who remembered the previous night.
“Were they possessed by the ghost and how did they end up in my room sleeping?” I said to my friend who remembered. I guess we will never know…