Perks of stay-at-home order

Hannah Chelton, Reporter

On March 13, 2020, it seemed like the United States had shut down. All businesses except life-sustaining businesses were forced to close their doors until further notice. Schools were shut down suddenly, and everyone was mandated to stay home. It all happened so fast that nobody knew what was to come in the next few months, let alone the next week.

Staying home and not going anywhere for two weeks is very boring let alone having to do it for months before things slowly started opening up. I keep busy by doing crafts, baking desserts, and teaching myself new skills. I baked different types of brownies, cakes, and even pies. One of the new skills I taught myself was to play the flute. This all changed a couple weeks later though.

On May 16, 2020, the best thing during quarantine happened. I got a dog! Her name is Zoey, she is three years old, and she is a Great Dane. Her personality is so sweet, and she loves attention. Additionally, she absolutely adores being around children. We went on walks every day to give her exercise, but it does not happen as often now that I’m back in school. Although staying at home for months at first seemed boring, it got better after I got my dog. It changed things up, and gave me something new to do.