‘Me at the Zoo’ video gets thumbnail and description update after 18 years?

‘Me at the Zoo’ video gets thumbnail and description update after 18 years?

What happened to the oldest video on YouTube this time?

In the vast digital library of YouTube, few videos hold the same historical significance as “Me at the zoo.” Uploaded in 2005 by Jawed Karim, a co-founder of the platform, the grainy 18-second clip of elephants at San Diego Zoo marked the very first video ever uploaded to the site.

For years, the video’s thumbnail remained unchanged: a simple image of Karim’s raised hand against the elephants’ enclosure. Then, on December 14, 2023, the internet woke up to a bizarre sight. The “Me at the Zoo” thumbnail had undergone a radical makeover, transformed into a MrBeast-style clickbait explosion.

Gone were the elephants and Karim’s hand. In their place: an overly edited image of Jawed complete with a Mr. Beast red arrow. The video’s description had also been altered, now reading “Noob vs Pro vs Hacker at the zoo AKA I Spent/ Survived 1 Day Trapped At The Zoo AKA $1 AI Elephant vs $1,000,000 Al Elephant AKA Last To Leave Zoo Wins! AKA Never Do This At The Zoo (WHAT HAPPENS NEXT WILL SHOCK YOU)”

The internet collectively scratched its head. Was this a legitimate update from Karim, a playful homage to YouTube’s biggest star? Or something more nefarious, a hack or prank targeting the platform’s historical artifact?

However, the plot twist arrived swiftly. Within hours, the MrBeast-ified thumbnail and description vanished. The video reverted to its original state, leaving behind a trail of internet sleuths and unanswered questions.

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