Calling all Seniors! A message to the class of 2023


Freshman year is often considered the scariest year of high school. A new section of the building, new teachers, new rules, and intimidating “big kids.” But I think most people who are going into or have experienced senior year would argue that it is the most nerve wracking year of high school by far. Sure, seniors are experienced. They know the lay of the land, so high school is fairly simple for them. But, unlike freshman, who fear entering high school, seniors often fear leaving it.

Recently, I went to a family reunion for Labor Day. It was nice to see all my relatives, but I quickly tired of all the questions and resigned myself to the kids’ table. Questions like, “Where are you going to school?”, “What will you major in?”, “Where will you work?” I found myself embarrassed to answer that I really did not know. Sure, I have a list of potential schools and a half-baked idea of my future career, but I honestly have no idea what I will do after high school.

From the outside looking in, it seems like all of my classmates have it together. I see them getting scholarships, touring campuses, taking CTC classes. But when I began to look deeper, I realized; a lot of them, no matter how prepared they may seem, are just as lost as I am.

The end of high school can cause a lot of emotions. Fear of the unknown, relief to leave old things behind, excitement for a new chapter. Graduation is a fresh start, a new beginning. But what many seniors, myself included, tend to forget is that high school is not the end. It is important to remember that while we are growing into young adults, we are only 17 or 18 years old. We still have our whole lives ahead of us.

If you do not believe me, I have some examples. Consider Stan Lee, the  pioneer of Marvel, the creator of some of the most iconic and well loved characters of all time. His first hit comic, “The Fantastic Four” was not published until he was 39 years old.

Vera Wang, the revered fashion designer behind famous bridal collections, did not begin her fashion career until age 40. The legendary actor Morgan Freeman did not find his big break until he was 50.

All this to say, success does not have an age. I know seniors feel the need to hit the ground running, but we truly have so much time. By all means, work hard, plan ahead, and think about your future. I have no doubt that my fellow classmates will go on to achieve great things. But my point is that we have time for achievements. We have time to enjoy the last bits of childhood before joining the “real world”.

So, next time your grandma or uncle asks you about schools and jobs and significant others, remember: your future does not have to start today. Tomorrow works just as well.