Top 10 best video games of all time

Top 10 best video games of all time

Well, you read the title and you know you’re about to dive into someone else’s opinions on games, but have discretion: these are fully objective opinions on my favorite video game. Now that I got that out of the way, why don’t we stop stalling and get onto the list, shall we?

10. “Super Mario 64”: Ahhh, the start of the 3D game era, I just remember it like it was yesterday. Well, I can’t! This game was made before I was even born and still outpaces some of the top AAA games out there right now, like the dumpster fire called “Fortnite.” A game released on the beautiful day of June 23, 1996, was received well by the audience and rocks a 9.1/10 on the IMDb Scale! People loved this game, and some still do! If I still had my N64, I’d hop on the game right now if I could. So why don’t you go try it– it doesn’t show its age as much as the release date may seem to you.

9. “Grand Theft Auto V”: A game released in 2014 with an M for Mature audiences only. One of the most entertaining game series I’ve ever played was the GTA series, the endless possibilities and things to do, from jumping off building to stealing planes from the military base. This game is full of fun experiences, but the only thing wrong with it, is it being linear and stale after a little while of playing. If you complete the story, you could do side quests, but mind you, this game is almost 10 years old at this point, and everything has been completed one way or another. And let me tell you, this game is boring without things to do. On the upside, there is an online mode, and on the PC version, you can open servers and play with your friends. Those choices will open a whole new can of worms.

8. “DOOM”: Started off a 2.5D game, and (as of writing this article) ended with “DOOM Eternal.” “DOOM” was created as an action packed FPS shooter that was able to be run on most home hardware and is constantly a question of what kind of calculators and Samsung smart fridges can run this old, but fun, game. This game has been ported to almost every console and/or appliances in your household. It was seen as the “Start of the FPS game industry,” although that statement is very controversial.

7. “Portal”: The wormhole-centered game where you got to use your head to get through the levels just to be betrayed by the robotic voice who has led you throughout the whole game. This game sprung multiple references in other games and created the phrase, “The Cake is a Lie.” Started by a few college students, to being hired by Valve to work on the best puzzle shooter out there, it’s different from all other games because you have to use problem solving, physics, portals, and obstacles to your advantage. And guess what? It was first released in 2007, and like most Valve games, still holds up in graphics, storytelling, and amazing mechanics. The sequel is an even BETTER game, but the only exception to putting a sequel on this list is coming up.

6. “Halo”: The Halo series; a marvel to behold better than Marvel™ itself. A story-driven game that took place in space. During the 26th century, the protagonists had a run-in with the Covenant. An alien species threatens the human race’s survival. Between action-packed cutscenes, gunnin’ your way out of situations, and playing a super soldier, this game will not let you down on anything you expect from a game like this.

5. “Half Life”: The original “Half Life” game was the start of story driven FPS Shooters. Released in 1998 after five years of “DOOM” still being on top, this was a big step up in so many categories. It brought amazing graphics, storytelling, and just an overall enjoyable game. This game does so much more than many games at the time, while running on your super powerful gaming PC called… THE FAMILY COMPUTER! Yes, this game provided 3D graphics unlike “DOOM” and could also run on any computer at the time. Although you can play “Half Life” on a Samsung Smart fridge, why would you need that anyway?

4. “Happy Wheels”: SPEED IS KEY! Yeah, I bet you didn’t expect this to be on the list, but I have a good reason. This little flash game released around 2013 and took the internet by storm with its fun, although gory, gameplay. This was one of the most viewed series on the platform YouTube, but no one really plays nowadays. This game was mostly physics driven, and the weird characters kept the player busy. Most of the game was seen as a stitching act consisting of community made maps and such.

3. “Team Fortress 2”: Team Fortress 2, the best Multiplayer FPS Shooter of all time. With its cartoony art style, wacky character figures, and annoying Spies, this game is full of action, but also loads of fun and laughs. So many still play this game after 16 years of straight operation, and five years without a major update. This game is given credit for always having players after all this time and for its ability to never become old. The Meet the Team series is always a good place to start when looking to play this game!

2. “Call of Duty: Black Ops 2”: This earned its spot through it being the OG of video games. This game was played so many times throughout my childhood, multiple hours on end. Even though I don’t have enough time to play this game for several hours, it is still fun to play once in a while. The only pet peeve I have with this game is the pricing. The price has not gone down since the games release in 2012, and all the map packs seem to be overpriced to me, but they are worth it for a new and fun experience.

1. “Half Life 2”: The sequel to the aforementioned “Half Life,” and when I say this is the best game of all time, I mean it. This one is a long step up in story and this was the “first” game with the new Source engine! The source engine is the most revolutionary game engine ever, and when paired with an amazing team such as the one Valve has, the game was bound to be great. There was so much hype behind the release that there were multiple game files leaking from 2000-2004. Sadly, the game was abandoned after the 2nd episode in the series. Valve has given no indication that they will even pick back up “Half Life,” their series that got them off the ground…


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