Rascal Reese


Hannah Smrcka, Editor

This small playful dog is Reese! He loves wearing sweaters and hates the cold weather. He is an adorable little peanut who loves to sleep with his head under the blanket and lay on laps all day. If Reese had to choose a favorite activity, he would say that it would either be sleeping all day or begging for table scraps.

Reese may seem small and tiny, but he is a fierce, tough spirit! He was born blind, but he makes his way around very well and still loves doing all the same activities as other dogs. He loves to eat treats, bark at the mailman, and play tug-of-war. He is a firecracker of energy and a sweet pea. He may have an occasional bump in or two with table and chair legs, but after a few seconds of recuperation, he’s back at ’em.

If anyone needs a friend, Reese is your man.