Remey is my one-year-old puppy who is always up to something he most likely shouldn’t be. He is an energetic, friendly, and free-spirited dog.
In August, Remey ended up getting the both of us in a lot of trouble due to him running away from me because he saw another dog. So because of that happening we ended up getting a fence installed so that way he can run around the yard and we don’t have to worry about something across the street catching his eye and him sprinting after it.
Last week, I got home from school and was doing my normal things I do when I get home. I normally let out my dog and then he comes back in to eat and then goes back out again. So, I fed him and then let him back outside to go let out some energy and boy did he let out more energy then he needed to! As, I was opening the back door to let him inside, my next door neighbor was getting home. Remey decided to run over to the fence and jump on it with two paws up. He was standing there wagging his tail looking for attention. I knew he was thinking about hopping over the fence because he’s done it before with no hesitation. What I didn’t think is he would’ve been crazy enough to actually run away.
Remey proceeded to hop over the fence and run for it. I started panicking because the last time this happened I genuinely was traumatized by the angry neighbor down the street. Reminder: he has no leash on because I literally just expected him to stay in the backyard. So I go in the house really quickly and get a bag of treats because normally that dog will do anything for some food, but apparently not that day. He started running all over the neighborhood.
At this point I’m home alone with no help, doing laps around the streets to try and get him. Next thing I know, it becomes a big neighborhood event and it seemed that just about every neighbor on the street was outside trying to help me.
We were screaming his name, chasing him, and had about six different people trying to corner him. Nothing was working to get him. Remey was LOVING every single second of it. He was getting all the attention in the world and getting to be his free self running wherever his mind decided to travel. Thank goodness for my mom, who was on her way home. She got onto our street, opened the door to her car, and Remey jumped right in.
So basically, no matter how much we try to do for Remey so he can have the space to run around, it will still never be as good as making the neighbors mad with him running everywhere. From now until the snow is gone he’s lost privileges of running around all by himself. He now is watched at all times and is never allowed to be outside without his leash.