On November 19, 2022, at 2:34 pm, I got a text from my mother. She said, “Sec 505 row JJ 325$ was the total.” When I opened that I got so excited. I just knew she was talking about the Taylor Swift concert. She then sent me a screenshot of the confirmation of the tickets. I was so excited to finally go to a concert. This was my first concert I ever got to go to. I started looking for an outfit to wear: even though it was in the summer of 2023, I wanted to make sure I was prepared.
Flashforward and it was finally June 17, 2023, the day of the concert. It was all the way in Pittsburgh, so we had to leave around noon to make sure we got there in time. We wanted to make sure we got there right in time before the gate opened. We waited in a really long line, in our section. While I was waiting in line, I looked around at everyone’s outfits. They were absolutely amazing. I loved watching everyone talk to each other and trading friendship bracelets.
We finally got in, got situated in our seat, and then just talked about how excited I was. Around 6 p.m. was when the openers started. I got to see Girl In Red and Owen perform. I was really excited for Girl in Red because I’ve listened to her for a while, even before the concert. I’d never heard of Owen, so I was very excited to hear his music. Both of their performances were amazing. It finally hit 8 p.m., which meant Taylor Swift would be coming out any second.
All of a sudden I heard the song “Mrs. Americana And The Heartbreak Prince” begin. I saw the big colorful fabrics that cover Taylor, and that’s when I knew it was starting. My heart was racing, I was so excited! I was so happy I got to yell all of the words to all of the songs. Getting to experience a little bit of each era was everything. It made the child in me very happy, since I’ve loved Taylor Swift’s music ever since I was little.
When the concert finally ended, almost four hours later, I was sad. I didn’t want it to be over. I had so much fun, but it went by so fast. I didn’t even really have a voice after the concert. We got back to the car, and then we drove all the way back home. We didn’t get home until almost 4 a.m. I got home and went straight to bed because I was so tired.
To this day I still miss the concert. I miss being able to scream all of the words, the moments where she would just talk to us, the surprise songs, all of it. I would do anything to be able to go back and relive it all over again.