During the Christmas of 2020, my father was obsessed with looking at dogs on Facebook. Nothing ever came of this until early January when he showed us photos of Golden Retriever puppies. They were adorable, and we had plenty of space, and free time. To our delight, the seller only lived twenty minutes away, so we decided to make the journey to purchase the pup. On the way there, we were all very excited, and we could hardly wait. Once we arrived, we might the puppies, along with their mother and owners. After looking at all of the puppies, we paid the owners, and took the eldest of the four.
She was roughly four months old when we bought her, and she didn’t yet have a name. After getting home, me and my dad played with the puppy while my mom went to get food and toys from the store. After returning, we fed and played with the dog. I have a specific memory of having to lure her out of under my bed with treats, as she had run under there and wouldn’t come out. While trying to decide on a name for our new cuddly companion, I had suggested that we call her Bella. Everyone else disliked my idea at first, but soon accepted it, as no one else had a better name.
With that, Bella became a member of my family, and she still is to this day.