Particular Proper

Particular Proper

Natalie Proper was born May 1, 2009, in Corry, PA. She is now 14 years old going to Corry High School, in ninth grade. She has lived in Corry and gone to Corry schools her whole life with her three siblings. Her younger sister is 12, and her two older brothers are 18 and 23.

Natalie likes hunting and being outdoors, along with running. She does not like running so much that she does cross country or any sport that involves running, but she just started her first year of trap. She is also in the 4H Club. She loves animals, including pigs. She loves animals so much that when she is out of high school she would like the be a livestock judge or travel vet. Also, becoming a travel vet, she will make a lot of money.

Along with loving animals and being outside all the time. She loves watching movies. “Jumanji” or “Ticket to Paradise” are her favorite movies. Eating her favorite food, mac n’ cheese when she is home is also one of her favorite things.

In school she loves learning about history and having gym class, “because they’re fun.” If Natalie were to go anywhere on vacation she would like to go to Alaska or “to the beach or hunting.”

She does not like “when people tell me what to do or when people over explain stuff” but she loves the quote, “put a little suck it up in it.”

When Natalie was asked, “what piece of advice would you give your readers?” she responded with, “Live your life to the fullest.”

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