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Beaver Tales

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Beaver Tales

The Official Student News Site of Corry Middle High School

Beaver Tales

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The body by the creek


“I can’t believe he wouldn’t take us,” James complained.

“I know, no one even cares if freshmen are at the party as long as they’re cool,” agreed Ethan.

Overhearing the conversation, James’s brother, Jason, condescendingly interrupted, “Exactly. You two don’t have an ounce of cool in you.” James rolled his eyes and told Jason to leave. Jason left to grab his keys and let the dog out, as Ethan and James devised a plan.

It’s not an unusual idea for Jason to get invited to a party. He gets invited by his friends all the time, but for him to agree to go is out of character for him. He was the golden child, the straight A multi talented child. Everyone expected great things from him. Ever since Victoria broke it off with him because he took things “too seriously,” he decided he needed to prove her wrong. James on the other hand was always expected to go to these kinds of parties when he was older. Jason envied him for that. No one had any wild expectations for him. He didn’t have to be perfect all the time. 

Thinking of all that while driving his way to the party he realized he must have zoned out because when he looked at the directions on his phone it was trying to reroute his trip but wasn’t working because the cell service wherever he was had been terrible. While looking down at his phone, he caught a glimpse of something in the backseat.

“James you idiot! What are you doing here?” James and Ethan pop their heads up out of the back seat.

“I told you guys it’s just going to be senior–”

“JASON,” Ethan yelled as he pointed to the road. A deer standing at the edge of the road walked in front of the car and Jason swerved. The car went flying off the road and right into a tree. The whole front of the car was smashed and smoke was coming from the hood. Everyone was fine getting out of the car, but there was no signal and absolutely no cars going by.

“This never would’ve happened if it weren’t for you two,” Jason exclaimed, “now we have to find a way back home. How do you suppose we do that, huh?” Jason stared at the boys, as they stayed silent, looking around, hoping they could find a way out of there.

“Hey, doesn’t that creek pass our house, Jason,” questioned James as he pointed to a creek in the far woods.

Jason spotted it then said “We’ll follow it home, but you two better pray you get back before 10 ‘cause otherwise you’re toast.”

The boys stayed silent as they walked the creek, until they spotted something in the distance. They all picked up their pace gradually, anticipating what they found. Once they got close enough to see what it was, they instantly regretted it. It was Jason and James’s father. They all stood there, stunned. It was not obvious what the cause of death was, but he was gone. James fell to his knees sobbing. Ethan got down and hugged him as he too started to cry. He had been best friends with James since kindergarten, at this point he was considered part of the family. Jason stood there, staring at his dead dad, stunned. He knew he had to at least get Ethan home before his parents’ got too upset. The sun was well-set by then and they might have been worried. He could also tell James could not leave his father’s side, so Jason grabbed Ethan by the and told him he was taking him home, and told James he would come back for him and they’ll figure it out. 

Ethan and Jason set off back on the path of the creek, as James stayed there continuously sobbing. He eventually cried himself to sleep. As he woke he felt oddly refreshed as he found it was already morning and his older brother still had not come back for him. His brother had always done the responsible thing, he always knew what to do in situations like this. He would never admit to it but James was extremely jealous of him for that. He then decided he should do the right thing and find his way home and figure out what to do about his dad once he reunited with his brother and mother. 

As he approached the house he stopped in his tracks as he reached the back lawn. Looking through the window, he saw his mother and father at the coffee table. As they see James they rush out the door and run and hug him. He stays frozen as he feels what he thought was his dead father, now hugging him as both parents tell him he has been gone for 10 years now. He couldn’t believe them, that’s not possible. He rushed to the bathroom mirror and looked at himself. He had this newfound maturity to his face, and he did in fact look 10 years older.

“What happened to Ethan,” he asked his parents.

“Your brother helped him get back home that night, but he hasn’t talked since,” his mother explained.

James was astounded. He then asked, “Then where’s Jason?”

“Hunny that night he went back out looking for you and he hasn’t been seen since.”

All of a sudden it clicked. James sprinted out the door and his parents followed, confused. They ran for what felt like miles. Until they reached the body by the creek. Jason’s body.

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About the Contributor
Kenzie Knight
Kenzie Knight, Reporter
Kenzie Knight is a freshman first-year reporter for the Corry Beaver Tales student newspaper. When she is not writing and working on the newspaper, Kenzie enjoys dancing, cheering, and hanging out with friends.