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Beaver Tales

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Beaver Tales

The Official Student News Site of Corry Middle High School

Beaver Tales

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Enlightenment by destruction

A true story
*not my ankle*

If there was ever something that would change my life, I wouldn’t have suspected it would be a fractured ankle. Without warning, May 2022 would be the month my life abruptly took a turn for the best. 

It was a very sunny day out on the football field. My 4th period gym class went outside that day, and in the middle of the field we held a game of six ball. Despite what some may perceive about me, I actually enjoy gym class most of the time, with the only negative being getting all sweaty. Right at the end of a hard fought and fun game, it happened. I was chasing down a ball and chasing in besides me was another boy. In some accident, or maybe a last ditch effort to claim the ball that was rolling just out of both our grips, the boy fell on top of my legs. 

CRACK! I heard it, I heard the sound of something inside my leg snap. A sharp pain fired out of my left ankle and up through my whole body. I knew something had just gone terribly wrong. That moment would affect my eagerly awaited summer vacation, but I never could have foreseen that moment would change my life forever. 

He got up, immediately apologetic, and extended his hand to help me to my feet. Face down, eyes tearing, I told him I heard the noise, the cracking sound. He assured me things were fine and it was only twisted. He helped me up. The adrenaline that was rushing through me kept me from immediate pain. I stood on the ankle, and even took a few limping steps. By this time class was over, not even the gym teacher, who had witnessed the events, was outside. Left on the field by ourselves, me unable to walk, the boy lifted me. It was the greatest act of virtue anyone could do after breaking another’s bone, carrying them to safety. I was told I was heavier than I looked, and at that time, I was. He carried me from the middle of that fateful field to the parking lot. Fifty yards on his own, but what else was he to do, leave me there all broken? At the parking lot, another boy, who was straggling behind the class, aided in my rescue. I was brought inside and presented to the gym instructor. He didn’t seem to care too much, I’m still a little offended to this day. The nurse was called, and soon I was being wheeled to her office. 

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My ankle was fractured. I was in a cast until the end of August, but I was not destroyed entirely. I felt more motivated than ever, and started truly thinking about my life. Eyes now opened by the realization of my own human fragility, I started a transformation. It might sound crazy that something like a broken bone could be so transformative, but that’s because it is crazy. I’m not entirely sure why it happened, but when I heard that cracking sound, my brain was rewired. Negative thinking was gone and so was anxiety. I became myself to the most absolute extent of the meaning of self. I was, above all, happy.

Today and for the foreseeable days to come, I am still happy. My future is bright and I know it, that is a wonderful feeling. I wish everyone could feel the way I feel, maybe not from an injury, but maybe if that’s what it takes. Happiness is a very achievable thing but you need to stop seeking it out. Stop looking under rocks for happiness. Instead, you should look within yourself for the shiny golden key you’re looking for. Analyze your habits, your self-talk, the way you treat others. It’s definitely not as simple as I’m making it sound, it’s actually really hard but you can do it. This story proves an amazing element of human nature, the ability to be bolstered by disarray, enlightened by destruction.  

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About the Contributor
Joseph Johnston
Joseph Johnston, Reporter
Joseph Marion Johnston is a sophomore in high school who has just joined the newspaper staff. Joseph is passionate about music and clothing, he finds these things to be therapeutic, fun, and a great way to express himself. Life is about perpetual creativity for Joseph, and he vows to never stop doing the things he loves.