CTC spotlight: What is cosmo up to?


Reagan White

Pictured: (left to right) Ashlynn McGahen, Yvonne Fay, Bella Chase, Lexie Fox, Alyssa Burlew, Katherine Lyon, Ashlynn Sherwood, Hallie Graves, and Nyssa Greene. Not pictured: Alexis McGahen, Isaac Morningstar, Brooke Beatty, and Olivia Jackson.

Students and faculty do not get a look into CTC wing classes too often, so let’s take a look at what our cosmetology class is learning. During the week of October 17 through October 21, the cosmetology students were learning what tools are needed to do haircuts and how to do them. Practice makes perfect!

Monday: The start of the week began with worksheets focusing on the instruments required. These included identifying the tools and which instrument is best for what use.

Tuesday-Wednesday: The students began practicing on their mannequin heads. They were assigned two types of haircuts: zero degree haircut and 180 degree.

Thursday: The mannequin heads were then washed and styled.

Friday: The students repeated the haircuts for more practice.

Every Wednesday the cosmo students get a chance to get practice on real people. The life skills students take a trip down to the CTC wing and they get to choose from a variety of services the class provides.