“Dance Moms” is a reality television show about a dance teacher, Abby Lee Miller, starting her world in competition dance. At the very start of the show she had six dancers, and as the show went on, more and more students came along. A very specific part of this show is the moms. The show is obviously based on the dancers but, it is also directed towards the moms’ arguments. These are my top 10 dance moms. Honorable mention: Kira Hilliker, who is Kalanis mom.
10. Jaime Caes
Jaime is the mom of Maesi Caes. Jaime and her daughter weren’t invited on the show until season seven and when she was on screen there was immediately drama. She never had respect towards Abby Lee nor the moms or girls. I don’t have much to say because I strongly dislike this mom.
9. Leslie Ackerman
Leslie is the mom is Payton Ackerman. Leslie and her daughter were very on and off the show in the early seasons. They would be invited on the show when one of the dancers was out with an injury, sick, etc. Leslie was one of the moms who always tried to push her child into the competition group, though her daughter was 15 years old, dancing with eight year olds. Leslie is at the bottom of my list because even though her comebacks were funny, her daughter was a brat, and Leslie wasn’t a team player.
8. Jessalynn Siwa
Jessalynn is the mom of Jojo Siwa. Jessalynn and Jojo weren’t invited to the show until season four. Jojo was a decent dancer on the team but was rather “annoying” to the moms, dancers, and especially Abby. Jessalynn was a good mom on the show and was always the “leader” when Abby randomly decided to not show up for competition. Jojo and Jessalyn left the show after Abby gave Jojo a ballet duet with Kendall and Jojo couldn’t do it. The reason why Jessalyn is so low on my list is because she never really stood out to me.
7. Ashlee Allen
Ashlee is the mom of Brynn Runfallo. Ashlee and Brynn were invited on the show in season five, to replace Maddie Zeigler. Brynn was an incredible dancer who was very much liked by Abby and the dancers. Ashlee, on the other hand, was not liked at all until later on the show. Ashlee constantly started fights with the moms and would occasionally say rude things about the dancers. Ashlee was very funny even though she loved to argue. Ashlee was not a team player and that is why she is number seven on my list.
6. Kristie Ray
Kristie is the mom of Asia Monet Ray. Asia and Kristie joined the show in seasons three and four. Asia was a really good mini dancer and would win constantly at competition. Kristie didn’t care what the other moms thought of her and was very good at winning arguments. I thought that Kristie was an icon and I was upset when she decided that she didn’t want her daughter doing competition dance anymore. Kristie would be higher on my list but she wasn’t in the show for super long.
5. Melissa Gisoni
Melissa is the mom of Maddie and Mackenzie Zeigler. Maddie and Mackenzie were in the show when it first aired and left in season six. Maddie and Mackenzie were Abby’s “favorites” in the show due to Abby liking Melissa and Maddie’s incredible dance ability. Everyone can agree Maddie was the best dancer on the team, which made all the moms dislike Melissa. Maddie got special opportunities like the lead in the group dances and solos every week at competition. Melissa and Abby would claim that the other moms were “jealous” of Maddie. Overall, I really liked Melissa and I felt bad for her because all she wanted was the best for her daughter while being friends with the moms who constantly picked fights with her.
4. Dr. Holly Hatcher- Frazier
Dr. Holly is the mom of Nia Sioux. Nia has been on the show for the longest starting from season one to the end. Nia was well liked by everyone but was the underdog with not receiving much solos, duets, and trios. I really, really enjoy Holly. Holly was always there for the other kids when one of the moms were fighting with Abby. For example in one of the episodes there was a very heated fight between Kelly and Abby and Holly was removing all of the kids out of the room and comforting them while they were crying.
3. Jill Vertes
Jill is the mom of Kendall Vertes. Kendall was one of the strongest people on the team but known as the “crybaby.” Jill always wanted the best for her daughter and when she first joined the team she was not a team player. Jill would always try to stick her daughter into everything she was able to. Later on she ended up leaving the Abby Lee Dance Company and joined the rival team, The Candy Apples. After the return, Jill was willing to do anything to be with the Abby Lee Dance Company. She would buy Abby gifts to bribe her. Overall, Jill ended up becoming a good mom in the show by being there for the girls and moms.
2. Kelly Hyland
Kelly is the mom of Brooke and Paige Hyland. Brooke and Paige were there when the show first started and left in season four due to Abby mistreating them and Kelly not getting along with Abby. Kelly never put up with anything rude Abby said or did to her kids. Kelly would always be there for every kid and mom. She was also super funny. Kelly is number two on my list because every time she was on the screen, I knew I was going to laugh.
1. Christi Lukasiak
Christi is the mom of Chloe Lukasiak. Chloe was always “second” to Maddie, which made her a rival. Abby loved to put Maddie and Chloe against each other just to see the rivalry between them. Chloe and Abby didn’t have a good relationship, which forced her mom to hate Abby. Christi and Kelly were best friends on the show so of course that means that Christi is also hilarious. Their duo on TV was the best party about the show. When Christi and her daughter left in season four I was so crushed because I loved them, but I was super happy to see them come back to dance in season seven. Christi is ranked first on my list because there was never a dull moment with her, and I also love Chloe.