Is there something that people do that drives you insane like loud chewers, incorrect use of grammar, slow walkers, ect. Well this would be called a pet peeve. Pet peeves are known as a consistent thing that bothers someone. As everyone has them I was curious as to what Corry high school students answers would be. And here are some of their pet peeves.
Mr. Tucci- Students that continue to not pay attention when he tells them to
Mrs. DePaul- People who chew with their mouths open
Aaron Mulvehill- When someone says his name then says never mind
Mr. Brumagin-People who drive to slow for the road conditions
Mr. Buona- Kids who have good potential by are to lazy to fulfill it
Sydney Weis- Slow walkers
Allison Swanson- People who try to act smart when they don’t know what’s going on
Dakotah Hosler- When people chew like cows
Finley Fourspring- When people think wrestling is gay
Mackenzie Fralick- Lucy Hasbrouck
Madison Deutsch- Liars
Caleb Johnson- People who chew with their mouths open
Kaitlyn Shrout- People who chew with their mouths open
Lucy Hasbrouck- Short people (Kenzie Fralick)
Chaz Bird- People breathing loudly
Violet Myers- Slow walkers
Paeyton Gilliand- When people put their feet up on the bleachers
Emmet LaRoe- When people ask him for answers
Margot Baines- When Paeyton keeps talking when she is trying to fall asleep
Jacee Eastman- When people don’t respect personal space
Lindsay Mac- When she drops something and someone says “Hey you dropped that.”
Alexis Renner- Loud chewers
Amber Whitaker- Loud chewers
Emry Passenger- When she’s talking and people keep interrupting her
Tyler Parrett- When people call him names