Superbowl LIX is set with a match-up between the Philadelphia Eagles and the Kansas City Chiefs. With the Super Bowl comes many things like the half time show, bets, and my favorite since my team never makes it, the food. I went out and asked Corry students what their favorite Super Bowl food is.
Alexis Ossa- Wings
Conner Kent- Nachos
Mr. Brady- Chips and Dip
Jayden Haner- Popcorn
Deion Cannady- Wings
Chase Button- Wings
Conner W. -Wings
Colton Palczer- Wings
Javin Gates- Wings
Owen Anderson- Wings
Eli Gates- Wings
Weston Rhodes- Wings
Gavin Albaugh- Wings
Mr. Carney- Wings
Conner Jackson- Chips
Taten Bailey- Corn
Mr. Einhouse- Wings
Dani Hayes- Chips
Channel Roche- Nachos
Jackson Lathrop- Wings
Aaron Davis- Pizza
Nick Souten- Chips and dip
Andrew Miller- Wings
Andre Henderson- Wings
Cameron Cox- Chicken wing dip