In the heart of Salt Lake City, there was a young inventor named Max who loved creating gadgets and gizmos because it was his passion. One day, while tinkering with some antique parts, Max accidentally built a robot named Rocky. To Max’s surprise, Rocky wasn’t just any robot; he had a quirky personality and a knack for adventure. Max and Rocky immediately became best friends. One sunny Morning, they decided to take Rocky’s new flying machine for a test flight. As they soared above the town, they noticed a strange building that had never been there before. Curiosity started to fill their heads, and they landed on the roof to explore. The building was filled with so many magical doors inside which led to all kinds of different places. One door stood out to them and it took them to a magical island. It was filled with mystical creatures and hidden treasures. They met a friendly dragon named Venus who guarded a golden emerald that could grant any wish anyone could ever wish to desire. However, the island was also the home to a troublesome goblin named Grizzle, who wanted the golden emerald all to himself and never wanted anyone to make any of their wishes. He thought that the only person who got to make those wishes was himself. Therefore, Max, Rocky and Venus teamed up to take the emerald and keep it protected rather than the goblin using it to his misfortune. After a series of tricks and turns between the goblin and themselves they managed to get the Emerald back into their possession. This emerald was the most beautiful thing anyone had ever seen. After getting it they noticed, they also deserved a wish. They wished for something that was so meaningful to them, which was having their friendship last forever and to have many other adventurous journeys. They ended by taking the stone, securing it and hedging it back through the door. They continued back to their original lives that started this story.
The Emerald
Shelby Fox, Reporter
October 18, 2024
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About the Contributor
Shelby Fox, Reporter
Shelby is good at giving advice and making people laugh. Shelby wants to be a travel pediatric nurse in her future. Shelby likes to watch movies and listen to music with her twin sister.