Warning: this is part 2 of a previously published story. Start at the beginning…
…What they found was a giant egg. Audi was a little disappointed to know that they hadn’t found the treasure, but Maria helped her look on the bright side by suggesting that they keep the egg and hatch it to see what’s inside. They put the egg in their book bag so they wouldn’t drop or harm it.
When Maria and Audi got home, they put the egg under a special light to help it hatch. Day after day they watched the egg closely and always took guesses on what could be inside. Maria guessed it would be an ostrich and Audi had a new guess every day. They made sure to take extra care of this egg because they thought whatever was inside could become their new sidekick.
It had been almost a month since they discovered the egg. Maria and Audi went out on their daily adventure walk, collecting things that they thought could be useful for the egg’s nest. They headed back home just to notice that the egg had started hatching. Jumping for joy, they quickly set up everything that they would need for the hatch.
The egg ended up completely hatching and it was something they’ve never seen before. Maria and Audi decided it would be the best for them to take it to the vet. When they got to the vet, the veterinarians were shocked because they have never seen it before either. They offered Maria and Audi millions of dollars to keep it and take their credit, but they decided not to take the offer because they needed a new sidekick.
Turns out this map didn’t end up being a mistake because the animal grew up to be the best sidekick they could ever imagine. Maria and Audi named it Lance. They still never found out what the animal was, but eventually it even learned to talk. This led to many more adventures with their new friend Lance!