It was December 31, 2099, at 11:00 P.M. and Jeremy was preparing to go to the moon at midnight. Jeremy was highly experienced with technology, as he was credited with inventing the flying car and voice-powered airplane. This time his jetpack was going to take him all the way to the moon. This jetpack was simple: it goes on your back and you turn it on and you’re all good to go.
Jeremy was a lone worker, he didn’t ever need any help with his inventions. Alone he stood, waiting at his headquarters and was set to take off at 11:30. The timeline of his trip would be a 10 minute flight up to the moon, spend 10 minutes on the moon, and spend 10 minutes traveling back. This concluded that he would be back right at the tick of midnight. Waiting below him will be his cool, freshwater lake that he would crash into.
It was that time, Jeremy loaded up and shot up at a ridiculously fast rate. With his astronaut helmet on, Jeremy was smiling behind his visor and was just along for the ride. Soon enough he shot up to moon level and shut his jetpack down. Jeremy floated down to the surface of the moon and felt his feet scuff ground. He proceeded to skip around the moon and enjoy the moment he was experiencing before him. His last moments were whittling down, so he collected some mini moon rocks to cap off the moon landing success.
Little did Jeremy know down below a crowd of thousands saw him take off and were standing and admiring what they saw. They waited at the headquarters assuming that Jeremy would come back down soon.
Back up at the moon, Jeremy’s jetpack set off and he shifted toward Earth. Every few seconds his lightning fast jetpack was creeping him toward Earth more and more. The clocks were ticking seconds away from midnight and Jeremy was right on schedule, as he plummeted right into his lake safe and sound. The year was now 2100.
Jeremy poked his head out of the water to fireworks and thousands of people around him, confused but also overwhelmed by the amount of people who watched his moon landing mission succeed. Jeremy went around thanking everyone, but also wondering how everyone knew about his mission. Turns out Jeremy’s moon landing mission was seen by billions on television and thousands of them flooded his headquarters in their flying cars before his arrival back from the moon. Jeremy was the number one most viral person on Earth.