As students received their yearbooks for the 2023-24 school year, everyone was going through it and admiring all the pictures. However, this reporter realized someone was missing: Mr. Simmons, a man who dedicated so many years of his valuable life to the Corry Area School District. Sadly, he passed away January 17, 2024, at the age of 82. This article is a remembering of him and all he has done for the people of Corry Area Middle-High School.
Mr. Simmons went to this high school himself, at the top of his class, taking college prep classes, on the prom committee, secretary, key club, and class president all throughout high school. After graduating in 1959, he then went on to teach math at the school in 1963. He taught math for 42 years and even after retiring he went on to become the volunteer school treasurer.

Most of the people he taught in Treasury would describe him as a very straight-forward but nice man. Some things that he enjoyed were fishing, having a good cheeseburger, and watching horse races down in Presque Isle.
This reporter has personally known him for a long time because he was a fellow member at the First Presbyterian Church of Corry. Even though we were going to the same place every week, I never really talked to him. I really wish I got to know him better before he passed because anyone who I have talked to about him has nothing but great things to say.
The students in Treasury were especially hurt because they all cared so deeply for him just as he did them. Every time they would come into his room he would offer them snacks. Mr. Simmons also held an annual party, celebrating all his students’ birthdays with snacks, cake, and even presents for each of them. Every year he would take all the new and old Treasury students for lunch at Gigi’s as an icebreaker and an excuse to go out and eat.
Mr. Simmons dedicated his whole life to Corry High School and provided so many students with knowledge that will last them a lifetime.
He is missed and remembered by all who had the privilege to know him. Rest in peace Mr. Simmons, you are remembered.