“The Inheritance Games” by Jennifer Lynn Barnes is a thrilling book that will leave you speechless. The main character, Avery Grambs, is led on an adventure to figure out why she inherited Tobias Hawthorne’s fortune. Four brothers, Grayson Hawthorne, Jameson Hawthorne, Nash Hawthorne, and Xander Hawthorne, are skeptical of her and begin to question why she is truly there. Puzzles, riddles, trap doors; everything was a game to Tobias Hawthorne. Avery became target #1 to the whole family as well as the public.
Barnes created a story that is beloved by the whole book community. Riddles are a huge part of the book and she pieced everything together perfectly. I loved the fact that the chapters were so short because it allowed me to keep my attention instead of getting lost in the pages. These characters come from a privileged and rich background so I found some of them, like Zara and Skye Hawthorne, a bit unbearable. Now this was not the author’s fault; I think that is exactly what she was going for. I really enjoyed the effort put into building relationships between Avery and the family. It was not the whole focus of the book so it was a perfect mix. Avery’s thoughts about the situation were very apparent so the audience did not have to worry about being confused on how she was feeling and the thoughts she was solving.
I think “The Inheritance Games” is targeted towards older teens that are interested in mystery and romance. I recommend this book to everyone. Even if you read specific genres and do not like to stray from them, give this book a shot. I was pleasantly surprised and I genuinely love it. This story will leave you wanting more!
5/5 stars!