Radical Ryan

Ryan Joseph Webb is a Junior at Corry Area High School. As he was born on August 20, 2005, Ryan is a luxurious Leo, Webb is currently 17 years old. Growing up, Webb resided partly in Pennsylvania. However, he also spent a sum of his childhood living in Tennessee. Additionally, Webb was raised alongside his older sister by three years, Kaitlyn Webb. 

Webb presently attends high school at Corry Area High School with his favorite class being Global Media because “it’s fun,” but as far as his future goes, he has alternate plans. Webb explains that he plans on going to college to earn a degree in physical therapy. Webb takes pride in his physical health, as one of his hobbies include lifting and playing soccer. Similarly, his other main hobby includes playing guitar, whether it is just practicing or playing along with his band! Webb is a massive music-lover, and his current favorite song is “7 Summers” by Morgan Wallen.

From just a quick glance, there are many traits that the general public would not know about Webb, aside from his outspoken, goofy personality. To start, Webb is very involved with his religious faith. In fact, his dream vacation spot is Israel because of the biblical history. Speaking of vacations, this summer Webb plans to travel to North Carolina. As for other miscellaneous facts, Webb’s favorite movies are all three “Hangover” movies, his favorite color is brown, his favorite food is Blaze pizza, and his favorite emotion to feel is cheerful. Additionally, when asked what animal he would most match his personality to, Webb responded with “Golden Retriever because they are friendly, laid-back, and girls love them.” Lastly, Webb’s biggest pet peeve is when people smack their lips.

All in all, Ryan Webb is a silly student that is not easily embarrassed. This is shown explicitly through his favorite quote, which is, “live everyday like it is your last.” Webb would like to leave his reader off with a piece of advice, which is to go and watch his band play at Columbus Inn. on May 20th, which is conveniently this Saturday!