Top 10 favorite books


Hannah Daily, Reporter

I decided to list my top ten favorite books. I decided to do it because lately I’ve been reading tons of books and have been interested in all kinds of books.  Sometimes it depends on my mood on what types of books I want to read. Here is my top ten favorite books:

10. “Twilight” Stephanie Meyer

9. “The Fault in Our Stars” John Green

8. “Our Waves Under the Sea” Julia Armfeild

7. “The Work Wife” Alison B Heart

6. “Really Good, Actually” Monica Heisey

5. “I Don’t Wanna Read This Book” Max Greenfield

4. “Book Lovers” Emily Henry

3. “Beach Read” Emily Henry

2. “Meet me in Paradise” Libby Hübscher

1.“It Ends with Us” Colleen Hoover