Upcoming 2023 Business Week

Upcoming 2023 Business Week

Jenna Martin, Editor

Every year our school hosts a business week for the juniors here at Corry High. This year’s business week is taking place the week of February 6 through February 10.

This week gives the students a chance to learn about business companies, and work together throughout the week to try their best to make their business successful. Giving the opportunity  to become the “Top” company.

The junior class will be divided into equal groups. Each group will get a teacher advisor and a business advisor. Every group will become a company. Then, they will be assigned a product to manufacture. The companies will also have to participate in a variety of presentations so that they can learn about the work that goes into creating and running a business company.

There will be four competitions throughout the week. The students will spend time in their company classroom preparing for the competition. All the groups are battling for the title of the “Top Company.” The competitions the groups will be participating in are: Advertising and Marketing, Trade Show, RONA, and Stockholders.