“Pretty Little Liars” delivers a mystery worth uncovering
May 4, 2022
The ABC Original “Pretty Little Liars” is a seven-season show described as the “Desperate Housewives” for teens. The show premiered on June 8, 2010. Casting started in October 2009. The show was originally developed as a television series by a “book packaging” company, Alloy Entertainments. The show was originally planned for the WB in 2005, with a different writer. The show is based off the books with the same name by Sara Shepard. In June 2008, Alloy noted that it was developing a “Pretty Little Liars” television pilot for ABC family. The writers of the show are Marlene King, Sara Shepard, Oliver Goldstick, and some others. The show was filmed in Vancouver, almost entirely at the Warner Bros. Studio in Burbank.
Writers say that the true aim of the show is to prove that friendship can get you through anything. Throughout the seven seasons the four girls, Emily, Spencer, Aria, and Hannah, face several obstacles as they try to solve their beloved friend Alison’s murder. Now, there are various novels based off the series. The show now has many spin-offs, those being: “Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists” and “Ravenwood.” The show is extremely entertaining since there are constantly curves thrown into the climax.
Overall, I would rate the series a 4.5/5. I deeply enjoyed watching it and still to this day re-watch it every now and then. And every time it never gets old, the plot always keeps me hooked. It is definitely worth the watch, and I highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in watching a show that is very suspenseful yet still shows the reality of teenage life.