In the past years, Corry High School has put on a talent show around Christmas time. However, due to Covid, we had to put a pause on this tradition.
Last year we had a talent show held at the end of the year due to construction happening in the auditorium in December, but this year we are back to our old custom. There will be a talent show on Monday December 23 starting at 8:30 a.m in the auditorium. The most popular acts in past years have been singing and skits. Students are very excited to take a break from learning to enjoy watching our peers display their talents.
This event is a great opportunity to showcase something cool that you can do that someone might not have known yet. Plus, this year there are prizes involved. First place will win $100, 2nd place will win $50, 3rd place $25, and audience choice $25. This is the first year that prizes are included in the school talent show, which makes it that much more exciting for the audience as well as the performers.
Corry is full of talent, so time will only tell who will take first place.