To read part one and two of this story, click here! Click here!
Cordelia wrapped her fingers around the solid gold doorknocker and lifted it slowly, only to slam it back down with a loud thud. Taking a couple steps back to avoid the door swinging right into her, she folded her arms across her chest, and tapped her foot impatiently. After a minute of no answer to her very loud knock, Cordelia tried again, this time with a response.
“Who is it?” A harsh voice growled.
“It’s Cordelia. I have your muffins,” she replied, trying to keep the irritation out of her voice. Mrs. Fledrow did this every single time. Ignoring the first knock, then demanding who was at her door, and then taking a thousand years to actually open it. Cordelia had tried just leaving the muffins on her doorstep before, but a day later the crone came thundering up to the cottage, basket in hand, shrieking that her muffins had been eaten by animals. Cordelia knew this was a false statement, and Emryn did too. All food deliveries they made were laced with milk weeds, a delectable treat for humans, but disgusting and repulsive to most animals. However, when she attempted to explain this to her, she accused her of calling her a liar, and told Emryn that she needed to get a better control over her. After that, Emryn told Cordelia it would be best if she waited until the muffins were in Feldrow’s grubby hands. Well, perhaps that’s not exactly what she had said, but Cordelia knew that’s what she was thinking.
Cordelia straightened slightly as the familiar click of the lock sounded. The doorknob turned, and the door opened with a shrill creak. A pair of beady black eyes, attached to a bulbous head peered at Cordelia from inside the door frame. Well, actually on the other side of the door frame. The figure was too large to stand inside of it.
“I thought Emryn and I had agreed that you wouldn’t be delivering to me anymore,” Feldrow seethed. Cordelia stopped herself from rolling her eyes.
“I apologize, Mrs. Feldrow. Emryn is quite busy this morning so she asked if I could deliver these.” She nodded to the basket she set on the stoop. She flashed a charming smile as Feldrow glares. Turning around, Cordelia heard the rustle of Feldrow grabbing the basket. “Have a lovely afternoon!” she said in a fake chipper tone.
Walking along the path, Cordelia thought about what she was going to do for the rest of the day. She finally decided on finishing up the project that she had been working on, a painting. It was a birthday present for Emryn. A week from that very day, her mentor would be another year older. And the older she got…the closer to death she came. Cordelia shook the thought out of her mind. It was a ridiculous thing to think about. However, Cordelia couldn’t help the unsettling feeling that churned in her stomach. Emryn will die before her. Everyone will die before her. All humans would claim they wished they were immortal, that they could live forever, but the thought of it always unsettled Cordelia. Everyone she knew and loved would die before her. Cordelia didn’t even know if she would die at all. Oh, the perks of being a Fae.