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Bringing my screenplay to life

Filming set to begin on ‘Shadow’ in the new year
Bringing my screenplay to life

Throughout high school I have aspired to be a fiction writer. Since I have been in middle school I have been taking inspiration from different sources to write short horror stories to display my interest. I often used images of creepy, abandoned locations to formulate these stories. However, recently, this formula started to feel flat and boring. Because of this, I decided to try writing in screenplay format, which led to the formation of “Shadow.”

On September 26, at 3:19 p.m., I started my doc that now houses the screenplay. My inspiration for this screenplay had been a trend I saw on YouTube Shorts in which a sound was used over similar videos by different creators depicting themselves being hunted by corrupt-appearing versions of themselves along with the idea of a conscience or emotions being metaphysical entities.

The screenplay follows the main character, myself, dealing with Jett or Shadow, an interpretation of his fear, anger, and all other forms of negative emotion. Throughout the story Dustin trys to fend off and ignore Shadow but to no avail. When Dustin thinks there is nothing that can be done to him by Shadow, he is quickly shown the opposite to be true. In the end Dustin ends up in check and must find his way out.

Recently, I have been given the opportunity to film this screenplay and bring it to fruition. Unfortunately, I don’t have the skills required to do it by myself. Due to this I am looking for anyone willing to help me with filming, editing, and sound design. If you are interested you can reach me at [email protected]. Thank you for reading my article, and I hope to hear back.

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