The PG 12+ TV series The Chosen by Dallas Jenkins is based on the biblical history of Jesus’s life. This show features the main character Jesus of Nazareth, who is played by Jonathan Roumie.
The series starts off with the first season starting in 1st century Galilee. Jesus begins bringing together a group of his disciples and his ministry, while he calls for people to come under his wing to teach them the things he knows about God.
This show does a superb job of demonstrating what events would have been like in Jesus’s time. And as someone who loses focus pretty easily this show manages to draw me in and keep me on the edge of my seat each episode. This is because I believe every scene is great at evoking emotions.
After watching the series it was quite noticeable just how much of an outstanding job the actors did. Overall, I give this show five out of five stars⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ and highly recommend that people watch this amazing TV series. If you are curious where to stream it it is available on the following platforms: