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The Official Student News Site of Corry Middle High School

Beaver Tales

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Top 10 favorite classes this school year

Top 10 favorite classes this school year

As my freshman school year is coming to an end that means all my classes are ending. There are things about freshman year I enjoyed and did not enjoy. I liked some classes and disliked others, I am going to be giving you my opinion on my favorite to least favorite classes I had this year. Here are my top 10.

10. Intro to Physical Science- This class is last because Mr. Potocki left and we couldn’t do any labs after he left. That made the class pretty boring and we could only do worksheets.

9. Intro to Biology- I love Mrs. Jackman as the teacher of this class, but I did not love the work. There were a lot of notes and tests, so it wasn’t very fun.

8. Spanish- I had a lot of fun doing all of the projects in Spanish, but it was a really complicated class considering the fact that I don’t speak the language of the class.

7. Gym- Gym class was fun sometimes, but there were too many fitness tests and they were not fun. I wish we played kickball or mat ball more in gym class.

6. English- I do not enjoy reading, but unfortunately English includes a lot of reading. However, I did enjoy doing projects and writing in this class.

5. History- History was a very easy class to get through this year and the teacher made it a lot of fun. The tests were my least favorite part of this class.

4. Computer Applications- I enjoyed this class so much and the teacher did a very good job at making it easy to understand. All of the projects were a lot of fun.

3. Geometry- I have never done so well in a math class before until this year. The teacher of this class taught me very well and explained everything perfectly for my learning style.

2. Lunch- This year there was always so much happening at my lunch table and it was too much sometimes. Although there was so much stuff that happened, I enjoyed socializing and eating with my friends.

1. Newspaper- Newspaper was a lot of fun all year long. I enjoy writing stories and hanging out with my friends in this class. My favorite part about newspaper was surveying.

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About the Contributor
Mackenzie Ricketts
Mackenzie Ricketts, Reporter
Mackenzie Ricketts is a 9th grade student. She is a competitive dancer and a track & field athlete. When she's not at dance or track she enjoys spending time with friends, baking, sleeping, or shopping.