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Disney’s top 10 best live-action remakes


Throughout the years, Disney has made many live-action remakes of their old classics movies. Some of them have been so good and others I could’ve gone without. This is a list of my favorite Disney live-action remakes from least to most favorite.

10. Mulan

I love the original “Mulan” so much and had high expectations for this movie. I ended up very disappointed with this movie. One of the reasons I am so obsessed with the original was because of the soundtrack, but the newer movie didn’t have any of the songs. I was also sad to see that they didn’t even put Mushu in the movie because he’s one of my favorite characters.

9. Cruella

It was very interesting to see the point of view of “Cruella,” but I just never really got into the movie.

8. The Lion King

Such a cute movie and very enjoyable, but there are just other movies I enjoy more in this list.

7. Alice in Wonderland

I really enjoyed this movie. It’s very magical and really just brings everything to life. One thing I like about the way they did this was how they made it more adult and showed more of the real issues.


This movie was very well put together and so entertaining, but I think I still like the original version better.

5. The Little Mermaid

There was a lot of controversy surrounding this movie but it is so good. I think It’s just as good as the original and each person did such a great job portraying their character.

4. Aladdin

To be honest I was never a huge fan of the original Aladdin, but I loved the live-action version. All the music is so good and it’s just such a big production, I love it.

3. Beauty and the Beast

This movie is so magical. I loved how they brought everything to life and Emma Watson is truly Belle in real life. This is definitely one of my favorite movies.

2. Maleficent

I love how we got to see the point of view through Maleficent’s point of view. It was interesting to see the truth of the past and why she is the way she is. This movie is very different but I love it.

1. Cinderella

This movie is a masterpiece. Lilly James does such a great job as Cinderella. Overall the movie is just so magical and special. Everything about it is perfect.

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About the Contributor
Kenzie Knight
Kenzie Knight, Reporter
Kenzie Knight is a freshman first-year reporter for the Corry Beaver Tales student newspaper. When she is not writing and working on the newspaper, Kenzie enjoys dancing, cheering, and hanging out with friends.