As I reflect on these past four years, it is bittersweet. Coming into ninth grade, I didn’t really know what to expect or what would happen. I would have never thought that by my senior year I would have lost over 80 pounds or been on homecoming court. I would have never thought that I would have a 4.0 GPA. I would have never thought that I would have been a student ambassador, gotten two lead parts in the school musical, or that I was working at a credit union. These last few years have shown me that anything is truly possible and that you have no idea what obstacles or opportunities you have waiting for you.
I went from being someone in middle school who didn’t get the best grades. I was satisfied with B’s and even a C(I know can you believe it). I never really studied for tests or double checked my essays before turning them in. I still cared about my grades, but I never strived to improve my academics. Stepping into high school was a different story though. I think what really pushed me forward in my academic journey was the satisfaction I felt when I had almost all A’s in the first quarter of my Freshman year. After that moment, I knew I wanted to do anything it took to have an almost perfect transcript. Four years later, I can say that I did that. I’m not naturally smart or “gifted.” I’m not someone that doesn’t have to study for a test. If anything I have to work 5x harder to retain the material or even understand what is happening in class. But through asking teachers for help, studying on my own time, and by staying motivated, I was able to get to where I am today. If I can do it, trust me you can too.
My biggest advice for students coming into high school or students who are already a part of it is to not take everything so seriously. For me at least, I felt like everything was the end of the world. This person said this about me or I didn’t do as well as I wanted on a test. You really just need to let it go. Don’t get stuck on the little obstacles throughout high school because we are given such a small amount of time as it is. Don’t spend it being miserable. Be bold. Do that activity you always wanted to do. Talk to that person who you have never talked to. Do things that will make you feel grateful about the time that you spent in high school. I spent too much time over these last four years worrying about everything. Don’t waste your time living in the past or the future. I know it might sound cliche but the only thing that really matters is the present.
Lastly, I would like to end this reflection with some more words of advice and things that I would have done differently. Never stop taking pictures. This year I have taken pictures of every major event that has happened to me this year. I’ve taken pictures of the first day of school, Homecoming, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, etc, and I have put it into a scrapbook to look back on. This has made me realize that I wished I done it sooner. When I think about the homecoming spirit week two years ago, I have no idea what the days were, and I don’t even have any pictures of it to remember. That is why I encourage everyone no matter if you are in 9th grade or going into 12th grade to keep taking photos. You will never regret taking a picture but will regret not having that memory captured to look back on.
Another piece of advice I have is to stay involved in school activities. Don’t hesitate to join clubs or activities that you want to be a part of because some of my favorite memories are from planning the homecoming dances, prom, and participating in the school musical. You never know how much fun something could be until you try it.
The one thing that I would do differently is not taking my time in high school for granted. I lived most of these past four years wishing for the weekend or the next break. I wasn’t actually present during the school year. I was so focused on my grades that I lost myself for a while. Don’t just go through the motions of your week, take it all in. My biggest regret is that I never enjoyed the moment that I was in. Now as I graduate, I am going to college, and I am already seeing my life slip away from me. So don’t rush for the future because it’ll be here before you know it. The next thing you know you’ll be going into the work force or college and look back and see that you are already 40 years old.