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Beaver Tales

The Official Student News Site of Corry Middle High School

Beaver Tales

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Top 10 summer activities you can do for free

Top 10 summer activities you can do for free

As summer is coming, people are filling their schedules with fun activities. However, money is always a hinderer. Some things are just too expensive and some people cannot afford them. This list contains all of the activities you can do in the summer for free.

10. Go to Presque Isle- Presque Isle is a great place to spend time in the sun and play in the water. There are multiple beaches that all have a varying amount of population.

9. Go hiking- My favorite place to go hiking is Rimrock that overlooks the Allegheny River. Pack some water bottles and some snacks and enjoy the view.

8. Watch a movie in your backyard- It doesn’t matter if you have a small backyard or a large one. Find a wall and place a white bed sheet on it and hook up a projector to watch your favorite movie.

7. Go camping- There are multiple wonderful campsites near Corry that you can easily set up a tent or even cowboy camp. Bring a few snacks and enjoy the stars.

6. Have a picnic- You don’t even need to get extra groceries, just take what you have lying around the house. Go to a park and invite your friends.

5. Go fishing- Some places require you to have a fishing license, but some people allow you to fish at their own pond. Just remember to be respectful.

4. Plant a garden- It can be your private garden or a community garden. All you need is a few packets of seeds and a shovel.

3.  Play a sport- You can go to a public place that has basketball courts, tennis courts, etc., and you can practice or just play around for fun.

2. Fly a kite- There are plenty of hills and fields in Corry without trees and a lot of wind. Flying a kite is a great past time.

1. Go to First Fridays- You can still go to First Fridays and not spend money. There is usually music and sometimes even a fashion show.



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About the Contributor
Regan Kemp
Regan Kemp, Reporter
Regan Kemp is in 9th grade and in newspaper class for the first time. She enjoys creative writing and does well with academic writing. In addition to writing, Regan also loves to play her three sports, basketball, volleyball, and softball, along with going to the beach, being with friends and family, and baking.