Steven’s full name is Steven Micheal Willis, his birthday is December 19, 2007, and he grew up in Columbus. He is currently attending Corry Area High School.
Some hobbies of his are fishing, hunting, and lifting. He has three siblings and they are 18, 14, and 12 years old. What Steven would like to do is to start his own business and he is currently doing the job he has right now because he needs money.
If he could travel anywhere in the world he would go to Montana because of the mountains and to go hunting. Steven’s favorite movie is “Happy Gilmore” and his favorite color is red. His plans for upcoming vacation days are just to hang out with his family and friends. Steven’s favorite quote is “Early to bed, early to rise, make a man young, wealthy, and wise.”
An animal Steven would match his personality to is a panther. His idea of a dream vacation is a cabin in the mountains. His favorite class is math because he is good at it, and his favorite food is sushi. Steven also wrestles a lot.
Steven’s biggest pet peeve is when people lie, and his advice to readers is to be patient.