Election year 2024: here’s what you need to know. Former President Donald Trump is likely to be the Republican primary selection, and for the Democratic party it will be President Joe Biden rerunning for office.
Unlike past elections, this year an Independent Party option is more favorable than the other two parties. After understanding he would most likely not be the Democratic primary nominee, Robert F. Kennedy JR decided to change his party to Independent so he could run for president. This has worked in his favor, giving him a favorability rating of 52%, with Trump at 42% and Biden at 41%.
Other people in this presidential race are Nikki Haley (33% favorability) and Ron DeSantis (32% favorability). Looking at what polls say, the three people that will be in the running for president this year will be Joe Biden, Donald Trump and RFK JR. This election is going to be exciting because it could be the first time an Independent wins the presidential race since George Washington.