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The Official Student News Site of Corry Middle High School

Beaver Tales

The Official Student News Site of Corry Middle High School

Beaver Tales

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Outrage: Doritos Jacked discontinued


Back in 2012 the brand Doritos released a new flavor called “Doritos Jacked” and they blew up immediately. The flavor and crunch was unheard-of.

When I first tried them I fell in love as soon as it touched my tongue. The flavor was, “Ranch Dipped Hot Wings.” They claim that they discontinued them because of the lack of people that purchased them but I don’t think that is true because I know a whole lot of people that absolutely loved them. I know some people that would buy them the hour they came back out.

I think they should come back out because they are very good and I think that they would blow back up and people would buy them a lot more. Personally they were my favorite, my sister told me about them. They were also her favorite chips ever. I think very many people would be happy if they came back for even a limited time. Also, it would give Doritos another look to see if people will like them, and if they do, then they can just keep them out forever.

They were also significantly bigger than the original Doritos; I think they were also thicker so the crunch was just outstanding. They sadly discontinued them in 2019. Have you ever tried “Jacked Doritos?” Would you buy them if they came back for a limited time? If not, you should, I highly recommend them.

If you would like them to come back, you can find a petition here to help out: Bring back Doritos Jacked Ranch Dipped Hot Wings to store shelves!

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About the Contributor
Keaton Frisina
Keaton Frisina, Reporter
Keaton Frisina is a student athlete and it is his first year in the Beaver Tales program. He plays football, basketball, and baseball in his free time, and he also likes to fish, golf, and play video games.