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The Official Student News Site of Corry Middle High School

Beaver Tales

The Official Student News Site of Corry Middle High School

Beaver Tales

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The Sumatran Tiger

Critically Endangered, How can we help?

If your favorite animal was going extinct, would you try to help? I know I would, as animals are critical to keeping a healthy ecosystem. Well, deep in the Indonesian Island of Sumatra, the Sumatran Tiger is fighting to keep its bloodline. The Sumatran Tiger or Panthera Tigris Sumatrae is a 260 pound carnivore that resides in the Sumatra. The tiger is the apex predator and has no natural enemies. Leading to the question, why are these beautiful and powerful animals critically endangered?

The tigers are losing their habitat due to deforestation. Not only are they losing their habitat but also their source of food. The forest is home to a variety of prey animals, they have been moving to other places or just dying off. This means the tiger has to travel longer distance, just to find food, which can be exhausting. Another factor of the tigers extinction is commercial gain. Poachers are a giant factor as they make up around 80% of Sumatran Tiger deaths.  The poachers sell parts of the tiger for “trophy items” and trade the rest. Although they are monitored, poachers have yet to back down and continue to take out the tigers.

So what can we do about it?  Well, we can keep them in protected areas such as national forests, as well as watch over them. Putting them in zoos is not something I agree with as opposed to a national forest where they can feel more at home. Protecting these endangered animals is extremely important as they make up the economy, without the tigers many other animals have a chance of overpopulation.

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About the Contributor
MyLeigh Music
MyLeigh Music, Reporter
MyLeigh Music is a senior in high school who aspires to become a vet tech. This is her first year in newspaper and first time working with Mr. McBriar. When not writing MyLeigh is hanging out with her friends, painting, watching movies, or baking sweets.