Legos are free therapy

Legos are free therapy

A bright-colored cardboard box. Thousands of little intricate parts of one whole masterpiece. A simple instruction booklet and a story that is revealed piece of piece. Lego is that brand. That shared experience of each and every one of our childhoods. Running to that Lego aisle and scanning the hundreds of boxes for the perfect set or building your Christmas present on your dinner room table after opening gifts. A brand that has lasted decades and continues to evolve and progress. A toy that is unstoppable and will have no end. Lego is timeless. 

As I’ve grown older I have unconsciously distanced myself from Lego, mainly because of price and storage problems, but Lego is making its comeback into my life and it should make one back into yours. Lego is free therapy. Constructing a spaceship or flower bouquet from your hands is extremely rewarding and grounded. There is nothing better than after a long day at work and school coming home to a half finished Lego set, ready to be picked up where you left off. It’s a great, soothing way to end your night. Unplugging from your phone and focusing all your attention towards the Lego is good for the mind as well. Stimulating creativity and self expression is good for any teenager who has lost their spark of imagination. 

But with anything good there is bad. When there is light there is darkness. That goes the same with Lego. In recent years the price for Lego has skyrocketed, limiting who can exactly have access to these toys. The unaffordable prices have left many distasteful of the brand. The plastic construction pieces are said to have increased in price by 25% since June 2022. A set that was $40 dollars a decade ago is now $60 even though they both have the same amount of pieces. The price per part ratio is completely skewed. Although Lego is doing us a disservice, they are trying to make a good environmental-friendly impact. Lego is testing and even integrating new sustainable building parts into sets and by 2032 the company completely plans to only use recycled materials. 

Next time you go to Walmart, make your way over to the Lego aisle and buy a set, even a small $20 will do. Sit down, put on “The Lego Movie” and unwind for the night. It will do wonders for you. 


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