Who was your favorite teacher in high school and why?
May 20, 2022
Nathan Wright: Mr. Kruse, he taught me the meaning of life.
Selena Green: Mr. Coates because we would talk about anything and everything. He also helped me through some difficult times.
Caleb Marrs: Mr. Coates, super nice and really funny.
Damion Kelley: Mrs. Reynolds.
Connor Butchko: Mrs. Reynolds because she helped me whenever I needed help.
Abigail Sell: Mr. McCray, he knows how to teach very well and has knowledge and patience.
Austyn Benninger: Mr. Daniels because he will always be my favorite teacher.
Cristin Rastatter: Mrs. Rutkowski.
Aiden Kafferlin: Mrs. Happoldt, she’s just amazing!
Bryce Lindstrom: Mrs. Goodwill. She made her class fun and I looked forward to her class. My favorite high school teacher was Mr. Kruse.
Zachary Ahl: Mr. Coates– just a cool dude.
Taylor Fenstermaker: Mrs. Watrous because she always encourages me, listens and gives advice, and is so funny.
Chloe Anthony: Ms.DiLuzio, because she is a fantastic human being and cares for everyone deeply. Plus, she has Kappi (her dog).
Hunter Savitz: Mr. Carey– very nice and respectful.
Rachel Brady: Mrs. Jackman.
Konner Johnson: Mrs. Reynolds. She is very funny and always trying to help her students.
Logan Joncas: Mr. Soprano. He is like a student, so I relate to him.
Diana Piscitelli: Mrs. Walls, because when she read short stories she explained how the stuff in the stories could happen in real life.
Samantha Goodwill: Mr. Soprano– he had a fun environment while still teaching everything for the AP test.
Abigail Fralick: Mr. Luther, he always made math enjoyable and is the nicest teacher I’ve had.
Kendall Keener: Mr. Buona because he’s the coolest.
Maleri Mather: Mr. Coates because he is always so happy and is friends with everyone.
Nicholas Baker: Mr. Simmonson.
Austin Fenstermaker: Mrs. Reynolds because she is one of the only teachers to make me enjoy English.
Sarah Kocol: Mrs. Simpson and Mrs. Kuzma because they were always there for me and supported me through everything.
Jasmine Miles: Mr. Woods because he taught in a way that was enjoyable and memorable.
Rosemary Molthan: So many. My teachers are very important to my life and education. Ms. Carey is the best, though.
Jade Beebe: Mrs. Jackman.
Lexi Frisina: Mrs. Adamski, because she’s fun to talk to about life and fun to joke around with.
Riley Maynard: Mr.Carney– his class was fun and we always played trivia.
Tyler Beach: Mr. Hogue– I love history.
Jade McElravy: Mrs. Bourgoine– she is very attentive, respectful, and caring to her students.
Sierra Geer: I have a long list, but if I had to choose only one it would be Ms. Smrcka because she always cares so much.
Alexis Hasbrouck: Mrs. Watrous because she’s someone I can always turn to if I need wise words and she’s always looking out for me.
Caelin Silvis: Mr. Hogue– he’s pretty cool and likes my dad’s radio station.
Nathaniel Davies: Definitely Mr.Woods because he made class funny and super enjoyable.
Amanda Gjertsen: Mrs. Turben– I had her class for three years and really enjoyed all the fun activities we did.