Survey: What was the best part of your spring break?
April 26, 2022
We just got off of spring break that lasted about a week long, having Easter dinner with families and looking for Easter baskets around the house to find the delicious treats within them. Now we are back in the classrooms to keep expanding our knowledge. I went around the school asking both students and teachers what the best part of their break was. A lot of the responses were varied, while others were similar.
Mrs. Craig: Hanging out with family and cooking dinner
Mrs. Ruth: Relaxing through the whole break
Mr. McCray: Sit by the fire
Mrs. Briggs: Watched the new “Fantastic Beasts”
Kaylee Pierson: Beat my friends at the board game, Sorry, twice
Mrs. Adamski: Hanging out with family
Lexi Frisina: Hung out with family, friends, and boyfriend.
Mr. Detlénaut: Went to Pittsburgh
Trenton Lilley: Had some amazing deviled eggs
Alivia Burger: Played “Minecraft” all day, every day
Mrs. Reynolds: Not being on a routine
Mrs. Marsh: Went to the Cleveland Zoo
Mrs. Rose: Spent time with grandkids
Mahra Goodwill: Softball tournament
Tate Tasker: Hung out with Kurtis
Addy Reyda: Hung out with my boyfriend
Bella Burrows: Went to Pittsburgh with my boyfriend
Emily Blake: Hung out with my boyfriend
Mr. Daniels: Ate a lot of chocolate
Kyla Frisina: Hung out with my boyfriend
Caiden Chase: Hung out with family
Micaiah Pike: Went to New York