The wondrous Mrs. White

MaKenna Moore

Mrs. Diane White, sixth grade science teacher at Corry Area Middle-High School

MaKenna Moore, Reporter

The wonderful Mrs. White is a sixth-grade science teacher at Corry Area Middle-High School. She was born and raised in Corry, PA, and attended Corry Area High School.

Her favorite subject in school would have most definitely been spelling, and when asked why she said it was because she had won a spelling bee in sixth grade. Mrs. White attended Clarion University where she specialized in Special Education K-12, and got a master equivalency certification to teach K-6 grade.

Mrs. White has many hobbies she enjoys that mostly involve nature such as: camping, traveling, gardening, bike riding, and many more outdoor activities. Her favorite movie series would have to be “The Hunger Games” series, and the reason why she loves these films is because they’re about a female being a heroic character and sticking up for what’s right.

When it comes to books, Mrs. White loves anything by her favorite author Richard Paul Evans. Mrs. White is a big fan of ice cream so when it came to her favorite ice cream flavor she didn’t hesitate to say what her go-to flavor is, and it’s Death by Chocolate by Penn State Creamery. Mrs. White has a pretty big family that she loves to spend lots of time with, her family consists of: her husband, three children, a son in-law, a daughter in-law, a grandson, and Tucker (her dog).

Mrs. White has been teaching for 37 wonderful years; throughout those 37 years she’s taught at four different school’s, those schools being in New Castle, Columbus Intermediate School, Corry Primary School, and Corry Area High School. Mrs. White has had the opportunity to teach every single grade k-12 throughout  her years of teaching. Out of all the grades she’s taught her favorite ones to teach would have to be fourth and sixth grade. Teaching those grades were her happiest years of teaching. Mrs. White chose to teach science because she loves everything about it from teaching her students about nature and the ways of life, to giving many insights on the way of life explained through science. She loves how she can always do hands-on activities with her students, and use the outside as her classroom in a way. When asked about what her favorite science lesson is to teach she was speechless, because she could never choose. She loves every single lesson she teaches: that’s part of the reason she loves teaching science, because she loves everything about it.

Mrs. White is full of amazing advice and powerful words of wisdom. When it comes to her favorite piece of advice she’s ever been given she said it is this: “Everything takes practice, the more you practice the better you get, the better you get the more you like it, the more you like it the better you succeed.” A piece of wisdom Mrs. White would give the readers is: “Laugh and have fun every day. Enjoy life, and don’t get hung up on the little things.”

Sadly this is Mrs. White’s last year of teaching, and then it’s into the wonderful years of retirement. After 37 years of helping and inspiring students to do their best, she has decided it’s time to break free of her teaching career. When asked what she enjoys most about teaching she said, “I love being around children, and encouraging them. I strive to make all my students the best they can be.” Then when asked about what she’s going to miss most about teaching she stated that she would miss having lunch with her other sixth grade teacher friends, riding to and from school with her carpool buddies, and the fun and laughter each day holds when she’s teaching. Two things she won’t miss while in retirement is grading all those assignments and teaching online and in-class students at the same time.