Should children be given a pet to learn responsibility?

Should children be given a pet to learn responsibility?

Hannah Chelton, Reporter

From a young age it is important for a child to learn about responsibility and take on some of the daily house chores as they get older. At first it will be small tasks such as picking up their toys. Then as they get older they could start to help washing dishes, sweeping, and cleaning up the house. Parents can get creative with ways to get their kids to help around the house if their child is not motivated or helping out with their tasks. Some strategies to get children engaged in helping with chores could include a reward system, giving the child a pet to take care of or making a game out of the task.

Some parents decide to give their child a pet to learn responsibility. This can be due to the reason that since the pet is considered to be their own, they have to be the one to take care of it all the time. As a result, the child will learn that they can’t put off the task because if they did, the animal would ultimately die. Additionally, if the child has something of their own it makes the child feel like they are important due to the reason that it’s almost like a job.

On the other hand, parents may not decide to get their child a pet to take care of to learn responsibility. Some may think that since they are part of the family, it is their duty to help out and clean the house when it needs done. Additionally, life isn’t fair so some parents may argue that if the child does not do their chores they do not deserve an animal because it requires work to take care of. It will just leave more work for others to take care of, and ultimately they are not farther along then they were before. Instead of taking one step forward in the right direction, they took two steps backwards.