April 16, 2021
I flew through the air and hit the pane,
unaware that the air was not as fare to go
as it threw me in vain.
So I smacked and fell and fell and fell but didn’t hit the pavement a little bit.
For something caught my wing in fling and flew me
so I’d flow through the crisp brisk air.
And as the wind smacked me bare to the chest
I had no care to its chilly will.
For the cold fold of the windy endeavor’s path
was not strong enough to weather the heat
of such a fast heartbeat.
The bird’s heart beats fast like the song birds sing so sweetly in timed rhythm.
The cold windy fold
to the heat of the heartbeat
may seem formidable to the once passerby eye,
but in reality it’s only lovely after you fall
into flight.
I rose, I rose, I rose rose rose– travelling
up, up up– above each treetop.
oh! the wonder in the marvel as I climbed!