Top ten spring activities

Top ten spring activities

Hannah Smrcka, Editor

Spring can be a miserable, murky, mucky mess. It’s probably my least favorite season, but that doesn’t mean that there are not fun activities to do while waiting for those May flowers. Here are the top ten spring activities.

10. Spring sports

There’s sports you can go watch or participate in like softball or baseball, track and field, volleyball, lacrosse, and tennis. It helps get muscles moving again after the chilly winter months and gives you a nice pastime during the dull rainy (and snowy) spring.

9. Reading books and making bread

Making bread takes a long time to make and a long time to bake. It’s a great way to pass time and relieve stress. While waiting for your bread to bake, you can pick up a nice Charles Dickens or Jane Austen novel, or whatever suits your fancy, and pass the long grey days away with two of the best things in life: fantasy and bread.

8. Annoying your siblings

We get bored easily. Beat them in “Mario Kart;” get all the “Animal Crossing” fish in the museum before they do; spam them with memes; sing really loudly; watch the movie that they think is boring or a Christmas movie, etc.

7. Watching movies

Spring is a great time to binge movie series (or television series) because there aren’t as many interesting things going on, it’s still a bit brisk, dank, and dark outside, so what better an activity than to park a seat on the davenport and cozy back with some “Star Wars” or “Lord of the Rings.”

6. Pulling out summer attire and un-donning ye festive apparel

It’s a nice feeling when you get to pull out the summer shorts and t-shirts and not have to carry a sweatshirt and coat with you at all times.

5. Stargazing

We can start to see the sky again! Yay! It has been a few months, but some nights we can actually see the moon and stars! Which allows for stargazing again!

4. Going for a stroll

Now that the winter starts to wane in its chilly existence, some days might just be clear enough to walk around and smell the rosesĀ before that busy summer schedule. Spring walks also allow you to smell the new life of the world under the dewy drops of morning rain. All becomes new and full of life at the end of spring to welcome the dawning summer at the end of the tunnel! You also might hear birds while you’re out as they slowly make their way back north and out of hibernation (along with other bright charming animals).

3. Painting rocks

After all the winter plows have been going through for months upon months, they’ve made a wrecked-up mess, but they’ve also turned over some rocks in their wake that would be lovely to paint and stick in the garden.

2. Planting a garden

It may be a small bite off the clock before we see the fruits and veggies spring from green earth, but we can start to plan and plant!

1. Puddle jumping

My favorite spring activity would have to be puddle stomping on raining, pouring days. It doesn’t matter how old one is, jumping in puddles and getting soaked head to toe is the only way I prefer to catch a cold in the dreary existence of spring months. So grab your raincoat, galoshes, and umbrella and wreck those puddles up.