Top ten anime


Skylar Beckford, Reporter

The year 2021 is here, and unfortunately so is COVID-19. This means that if you’re anything like me, leaving your house is still very limited. And just like many others, this time inside has led me to exploring more TV shows and anime. Maybe staying at home isn’t completely terrible, right? So, I’ve compiled a list of some of the anime I’ve enjoyed most over quarantine.

10. “Revisions”

9. “The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.: Reawakened”

8. “Demon Slayer”

7. “Code: Breaker”

6. “Tokyo Ghoul”

5. “Parasyte: The Maxim”

4. “Hunter x Hunter”

3. “Sing “Yesterday” For Me”

2. “The Promised Neverland”

1. “Attack On Titan”