Do you ever find yourself parched in the middle of the school day? Well, I often do. Something that could help with this issue would be, instead of being given a free milk at lunch, we should be able to have free water bottles. Yes, we have drinking fountains, but they are not as convenient as giving out plastic water bottles would be.
To begin, milk is not really a refreshing drink to have with lunch. We are already given that in the morning and, by the time it’s lunch, we are all thirsty for a more refreshing drink. Yes, students have the ability to bring their own water from home, but what if students can’t afford a water bottle? Yes, we can drink from the water fountain, but is that seriously even sanitary? I’ve witnessed students putting their whole mouth around the part the water comes out.
Another thing, milk is not even consumable for some of the students in the building. For example, it is a common thing to be lactose intolerant. Yes, they can still drink it, but what student wants to sit with that discomfort for the rest of the day?
I find it hurtful for students that we even have to pay money to buy a water at the snack bar. Water is a necessity for life. Most would say water, food, and shelter is what you need to survive, not milk. Not only that, but the school lunch is supposed to be healthy, and I’m pretty sure last time I checked milk is in some ways unhealthier than water.
So, I hope the school can take this into consideration. Students deserve a free water bottle a day instead of a free milk. That way germs can be avoided, people with stomach issues can still be refreshed, and it is a healthier drink for our meal.