There has been an underlying question to be asked about school and that’s ” Does gym class help students perform better in all their classes?” You may thinking “No, it just makes people stink.” Yes, that may be true, but I believe that physical activities in gym class help a student engage better in other classes. Not only does partaking in physical activities help physical health, it also supports mental health, which can be essential for academic success. During gym class students release endorphins that reduce stress and anxiety, making it easier to learn in other classes.
Gym class can teach students valuable lessons such as teamwork, discipline, and time management. These skills can transfer to their academics by helping them collaborate in groups, stay organized with assignments, and manage their study time effectively. An example of this would be when a student learns to set goals and achieve in gym class and may apply the same goal-setting strategies to their school work.
Others may argue that we are simply just losing valuable time over gym class. I would say that the benefits of physical activity outweigh the loss of classroom time. Studies have shown that students who have physical activity tend to have better concentration, memory, and cognitive function. So time in gym class can enhance a students ability to retain information.
In conclusion, gym classes are not a waste of time, its part of a great and well-rounded education. By promoting physical health, reducing stress, and teaching great life skills, gym class helps students perform better in all their classes. Schools should prioritize physical education to ensure students have the best chance to succeed with academics and living a healthy life.