In the 2025-26 school year, Corry is offering a new class to tech, CTC, and business class students. Student Run Manufacturing Enterprise (SRME) is a course run by Mrs. Toplovich and Mr. Carey to enhance real-world experience in performing jobs like manufacturing, design, marketing, sales, accounting, customer service and more.
SRME will produce parts to supply real chains and businesses. The class is planned to take up only one period out of the day, with admission being based on reaching the prerequisites and teacher recommendation.
Students will not only benefit from the real world experience, but they will be able to meet with and get to know people who are really in the business. This will allow them to make connections that can lead to new opportunities for a career. Because the school can not pay the employees, all the profit made will go into scholarships for the students involved to further their education or go into the workforce. Having this course under their belt will be a major leg up in college and job applications in the future.
As this is the first time offering the class, next year students will be able to name and logo the company for the future years. Students will be fully responsible for each operation, along with the oversight of the teachers. This is an exciting new opportunity at Corry and it seems like it is full of promise.